Rhodesian Ridgeback Sweetly Helps Baby Climb Into Dog Bed

A sweet dog was caught on camera helping a baby climb into her dog bed and doing whatever she can to help him. Lea the...

Against All Odds, Resilient Bunny Recovers After Breaking His Leg

When Lance and My’s pet bunny rabbit got injured, there was little hope that he would make a full recovery. But Lance and My...

Recognizing Head Pressing Behavior In Your Pets Could Save Their Lives

This is something every pet parent should know about! Take a close look at the photos below. When a dog or cat does this, it’s...

She Tied A Cork Around Her 23 Yr Old Goldfish. The Reason? OMG This...

Pets should be treated as a part of the family. Sadly, many don’t fulfill their responsibility towards their pets to the fullest. Many abandon...

The Worst Was Expected When This Dog Charged Towards The Rabbit, But Then… Omg!

Though we have seen a number of surprising friendships developments in the animal world, we can be justified to say that some animals were...

Orphaned Kitten Has A Very Unique BFF. These Unlikely Pair Are The Best Of...

These unlikely pair are the best of friends.. Sometimes, a pair of unlikely animals can be the best of friends, just like how these two...

This 1-Minute Ad Featuring Animals Has The Whole Internet Talking And You Don’t Want...

Many companies use the power of cute animals to create viral ads, such as Buzzfeed’s video for Purina pet food, which tells a short...

He Bends Down And Shines A Light Into A Hole. But My Heart Stopped...

Back in 2010, while checking in on a burrow in the backyard, this couple decided to call on Taco, a teeny, tiny tortoise. They...

Cat Finds Orphaned Baby Rabbit, Surprises Her Owners When She Adopts Him As Her...

It is known that most of pet animals are very loving, loyal and affectionate. This is why we love to spend our lives with...

Duck Is Waiting Patiently For His Best Friend. Wait Until You See What Happened

This video is completely adorable and you might just want a duck of your own after seeing just how attached this one is to...