These unlikely pair are the best of friends..

Sometimes, a pair of unlikely animals can be the best of friends, just like how these two are. Sriracha was a black orphaned kitten, who was surrendered to Rancho Relaxo, a non-profit animal organization. She was surrendered by her former owner as she suffers from a neurological disorder called Feline cerebellar hypoplasia. This particular disorder prevented Sriracha from being a normal kitten as it causes frequent seizures, thus making it difficult for her to stand or walk properly. Although it was unfortunate for Sriracha, it quickly turned into a blessing in disguise. Not long after her arrival at Rancho Relaxo, Sriracha met a 2 week-old piglet named Batman. The pair quickly became the best of friends and would go everywhere with each other’s company.

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According to Caitlin Cimini, the founder of Rancho Relaxo, Batman knew when Sriracha has a bad day and would feel the need to comfort her. Workers from Rancho Relaxo also stated that Batman has an uncanny ability to sense when Sriracha is going to have a seizure and would immediately run over to her to provide some comfort.

The pair’s interaction touched the staff so much that they decided to film it down in a video. In the video, Batman wastes no time in providing his BFF some comfort whenever he senses that she needs it.

To do so, Batman would snuggle up to Sriracha, using his small body to provide some physical comfort, similar to a hug. Sriracha expresses her gratitude to her friend by giving him frequent grooming using her tongue. What a beautiful friendship!

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