This adorable 7-year-old Labrador retriever and Rottweiler mix named Zeus is one astute fella. And his TikTok fans agree. Recently Zeus’s owner Moe Kucer (moeky1985) posted a video of the clever canine compelling her boyfriend into a fun game of fetch.

The 20-second video starts out with the 130-pound dog and his red disc on a lush, green lawn. “He knows if he drops his frisbee in front of grass machine he has to throw it,” the caption reads.

You can probably guess what happens next—as the lawn mower inches closer to Zeus’s Frisbee, Kucer’s boyfriend is forced to reroute, bend down, pick up the disc, and give it a little side toss.

Success! (Zeus must know that we all live to serve our pets.)

Read More:  This Dog Performs an Unusual Trick with His Human Best Friend. Awesome!


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The trending TikTok video (posted on June 24) has already amassed an impressive 1.2 million views. Obviously, the pup’s smart behavior struck a chord with commenters who chimed in with similar pet stories. One fan described their own dog’s behavior as “manipulation at its finest!”

Unfortunately, there’s a sad reason behind the video of Zeus’s clever playtime. In a follow-up video posted a few days later, Kucer shares that Zeus was diagnosed with bone cancer on May 25 and the veterinarian estimated he only has six months to live. That’s why they don’t toss the frisbee very far—his mobility has become limited and they want to prevent injuries.

“I really just wanted to share Zeus just because I love him very much and he doesn’t have much time left,” she said.

Despite the grim prognosis, Zeus is continuing to live life to the fullest and his owner is devoted to taking more videos of her pup while he’s here. She’s happy to share “the sweetest dog” with the whole world. (So are we.)

We’re so happy to have met Zeus. He reminds us to look for the simple joys of life, like playing a nice game of fetch.

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