Nothing can ever replace true friendship. Friendship does not care about gender, race, or religion.
The story below is about an unlikely pair of buddies. A Jaguar and a canine have an adorable friendship that will catch you off-guard.
Most of you would be wary of leaving your tiny dog with a jaguar. Things would turn tragic when the dog becomes the wild cat’s dinner.

Meet Bullet, a Jack Russel Terrier, and his best friend Jag the Jaguar. The two are good friends and do everything together from eating, sleeping to playing.

Jag came to the Akwaaba Lodge in South Africa when he was young. Layla, the zoo owner, wanted a perfect companion for the wild cat. She brought in her dog, and the two kicked it off instantly.

It might seem like a strange idea to most people. However, Layla says her dog offers the best companionship to the jaguar.

Their adorable relationship has taken the Internet by storm. If animals of different species can get along, what about us?
Watch the incredible footage below :
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