Some people find it all right to neglect and physically torture animals that are part of our lives.

The reasons why people do this kind of things are different, some do it to feel more powerful, and some others do it because they do not consider animals like humans or because some enjoy seeing another living being harmed.

On the other hand, the offenders of animals are not enough caught and punished for their actions as they should have been and this makes life looks so unfair.

In this case, a man in China pulled up to his regular parking spot, and all of a sudden he found there was a stray dog in it. What he did was unbelievable.

Instead of attempting to move the dog without force, he did get out and kicked it. This way he got his parking spot the way he wanted.

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However, after a little while, the dog was returned to the park with his friends and the first thing they did was attacking the man’s car. This scene was filmed by a neighbor around there.

It’s believed the man kicked the dog outside of his home in Chongqing, this instead of simply honking his horn or shooing the dog away.

Besides this, violence begets violence. And that’s what the dog did, paid the man back in kind. They chewed on the frame of the car, windshield wipers and anything else they could get their jaws around.

Read More:  Owner Wakes Up Abruptly To Dog Barking In Yard, Opens Front Door. Police Officer Screams ‘Get Back Inside’

We just hope people will become more aware of the value of animals!


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