In a shocking clip that is going viral on Facebook, a group of cyclists is seen saving a dog that was tied to a tree by its neck and abandoned in the woods to die.

The description in the video translated from Spanish to English reads:

“It takes a very bad person to leave a defenseless animal like that, with a rope that would not allow him to lie down.”

We definitely agree with that statement. It is unclear who committed such a horrible act, but thankfully the men were there to save the poor animal.

The dog’s neck was tied so tightly to the tree that he was forced to remain in that upright position, unable to even lay down to sleep.

No one is sure how long the dog had been out there, but it is obvious by his protruding rib bones that he was literally starving. It’s possible that he had been stuck in that unfortunate position for days, if not weeks.

If it wasn’t for the group of people passing by on bicycles that happened to spot the dog, it’s almost guaranteed that he would have died.

“He was very lucky that a group of cyclists found him and decided to rescue him  A thousand thanks,” the video description says.

As the video starts, at least five men dressed in cyclist gear are seen approaching the dog.

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The dog, starving and confused, doesn’t even have the energy to bark.

You can literally see the sadness in his eyes. It appears as though the cyclists came by at the perfect moment. It’s unlikely the poor dog would have lasted much longer.

For a minute, the cyclists are heard discussing what they should do. Luckily, one of them has a multitool in his pocket that they are able to use to cut the rope. As one man cuts through it, another man appears to comfort the dog, gently petting him to calm his nerves.

Finally, the dog is free again. The feed him a small treat and he gladly accepts. At this point, we get a side view of the pup.

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We are able to see how emaciated he really is, and it is absolutely heartbreaking.

For many of us, our dogs are part of the family and always treated as such.

It’s hard to imagine that someone could be so cold and evil to try and kill their pet in such a terrible manner.

Whether you are a dog owner or not, however, it’s always extremely depressing to see an animal in pain.

Although there are no further details on what happened next, we’re sure the kind cyclists treated the dog properly and immediately took him to a vet.

This lucky pooch ended up getting a second lease on life that day and we can only hope that wherever he ends up in the future, he will never be abandoned like that again!

Watch the video below to see the amazing moment the poor dog is rescued.

Read More:  He Saw That His Owner Was “Injured”. What This Heroic Dog Did In Response? Aww!

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