Can Dog Eat Rice?

Rice is a staple food. Many families eat it daily. You’re probably wondering about the possibility of feeding your dog this cereal grain seed. We’re here to help!

Lots of pet foods contain rice. So, many canines already consume it without incident. Most commercial dog foods, however, add low-quality grains to save on costs.

The prospect of feeding rice to your dog isn’t so clear-cut. While it’s a good source of carbohydrates, you should only feed it in modest amounts.

Can I Give My Dog Rice? Answer: Yes, in moderation and get qualityImage result for rice

Despite low levels of arsenic, premium varieties are moderately nutritional.

Rice is known to be useful for nursing a sick pup back to health but lentils are even better.

Quality is Important

Though rice is not a natural fit for carnivorous canines, there are times you can feed it to your dog.

Some studies suggest that dogs can handle carbohydrate diets almost as well as meat-based protein packed meals.

Whether true or not, stick to good quality human-grade rice. Purchase premium rice, that’s full of nutritional value, but we still don’t recommend feeding it without meat.

Our Recommendation

There is a moderate middle ground as with most things in life. We keep it simple and feed our dogs an excellent dry food containing chicken and rice for the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Human vs. Feed Grade

Premium rice is really worth it. To use industry terms, there is human-grade rice and then there’s feed-grade. Think of rice feed as filler that lacks all of the nutrients.

To make matters worse, the feed kind often contains preservatives and mystery chemicals. So all of these factors makes providing your dog with a low quality rice a bad proposition.

Your objective is to not only fill your dog’s stomach but to do no harm and provide nourishment.

White, Brown & WildImage result for rice

You want to eat the good stuff, for both you and your dog. It can be difficult to know the quality of the rice you are eating. For example, sushi has it but is it the good kind?

Get brown or wild rice instead of the plain white kind. Your dog will get lots of fiber and minerals. Besides, white rice has more of a negative affect on blood sugar levels than other varieties.

Use Rice for Recoveries

You can nurse a sick dog back to health with a bland diet. Rice and boiled chicken are good for this purpose. This soothes the stomach when a dog is vulnerable.

Withhold food for a time before feeding. If your dog is ill then white rice is okay. You may not want extra fiber in such a situation. Your goal here is bland but also something healthy.

Conclusion on Rice

You can feed your dog some rice. Stick to a top-quality kind. White rice has less nutritional value than other varieties. Arsenic is not a factor since you won’t be feeding it regularly. Quality rice contains carbs and nutrition, both of which are useful for active dogs


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