A Dog Can’t Wait To See the Garbage Truck Driver

Who said that nice people are hard to find? This video shows a garbage truck driver who stops by on his route to work to say hello to his furry friend. That’s probably the favorite part of his day. I know how it feels when friends and strangers show love to your dog.

Some of us are always in a hurry to run our errands and forget to be human just for a moment. The garbage truck driver always takes some time out of work to greet this lovely dog while the owner stands from a distance embracing the moment.

Dog loves garbage man

Can you see how little moments show a greater sense of humanity? The truck driver and the dog’s owner interact after the man spends a few minutes with his cute animal friend. What does that tell you? Dogs can unite anyone together and strangers can become friends!

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I love how they are equally excited to see each other since everyone is happy, and we who love this video are also happy too. We should also appreciate the garbage truck driver because, without him, this world would be a very stinky place. You always know a dog likes you when they try to give you their bone. I believe you would take a moment to say hello to such an awesome dog if given a chance, and that is how we build community relations.

Check Out This Heartwarming Clip Below:

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