When it comes to incredible acts of kindness, driving a German Shepherd puppy 2300 miles to reunite with his sick little boy is definitely one of the most heartwarming acts we know! Yes, you heard that right.

The gentleman in question, Bob Reynolds, was a former long haul truck driver and he picked up Frank, the puppy, in North Carolina and drove all the way to Utah for the pup and boy to reunite!

The 8-year-old little boy, Perry Miller, and his family are currently living a nightmare scenario. Earlier in 2018, Hurricane Florence swept through the Carolinas and destroyed their home. Now they currently reside with another family member as they wait to rebuild. Yet for the holidays, the Millers planned a vacation to Utah.

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Prior to this trip, Perry began to complain about recurring painful migraines. His hometown doctors diagnosed the problem as being related to the boy’s new pair of glasses. They told the Millers that Perryn would adapt to the new prescription and the issues should shortly resolve on their own.

Yet once in Utah, doctors were shocked to discover a more sinister reason behind Perryn’s illness. As severe vomiting began to accompany his migraines, the Millers rushed Perryn into the emergency room. Then right before Christmas, the youngster was diagnosed with a stage 4 glioblastoma, an extremely aggressive form of brain cancer. 

While Perryn received surgery immediately to remove the offending tumor, his recovery will be long term and includes radiation and chemotherapy. While the recovery rate for this type of cancer is low, the Millers remain hopeful that their son will beat this disease.

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So when Reynolds, the former truck driver, heard Perryn’s story, he knew he was uniquely situated to put a smile back on this little boy’s face. Making arrangements with the family, Reynolds loaded up Frank, Perryn’s puppy and proclaimed best friend, and drove him to Utah to be with his owner. 

In today’s world, the generosity of strangers can make all of the difference particularly in the life of a child. Reynolds’ act of kindness will be remembered by the Millers for years to come!

What do you think of Reynolds’ actions? Have you ever had a random act of kindness performed for you? Let us know in the comments. If you liked this story and think Perryn and Reynolds’ story should be known, pass it on!

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