The Bichon Frise is a cheerful, small dog breed with a love of mischief and a lot of love to give. With their black eyes and fluffy white coat, the Bichon looks almost like a child’s toy.

It doesn’t take long to realize that the Bichon can be your happiest and most enthusiastic companion. They’re super playful and intelligent, and even novice pet parents and apartment dwellers will get along great with these dogs. However, they do need plenty of playtime and activity, and they don’t care for being left home alone for long hours of the day. If you can give your dog lots of attention and love, you’ll get it back tenfold from an adoring Bichon.

Read More:  12 Things Only Goldendoodle Dog Owners Understand

There are certain things that only Bichon Frise owners known about this breed of dog. Watch the video below to know more:


  1. They aren’t always good travellers and sometime they are horrible. Our Bichon was a good traveler and we don’t know what happened. I wish he could be the way he was.


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